
Step 1: Download the ZIP file

After purchasing the extension/addon, you will be presented with download links for different versions of the extension.

Download the latest version V.3.0.?

This can be V.3.0.1, V.3.0.2, etc. The last number represents bug fixes and improvements.

Step 2: Install Extension (Blender 4.2 and above)

  1. Open Blender
  2. Drag and drop the downloaded file into the Blender window
  3. Press ‘OK’ when prompted to install the extension.

Step 2: Install Addon (Blender 4.1 and below)

  1. Open Blender
  2. Go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons
  3. Click on Install and select the downloaded file
  4. Press the checkbox to activate the extension.